Onur Ozgur
Associate Professor of Economics
Onur Ozgur joined Melbourne Business School in 2012 as an Assistant Professor of Economics.
After completing his PhD in Economics at New York University, Onur held a number of research fellowships at international institutes, including CIRANO, CIREQ and CIRPÉE, and later worked at the Université de Montréal as an Assistant Professor of Economics.
Onur’s research has been published in leading journals, including the Economic Journal, Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Theory, and more. His current research focuses on identifying and measuring the impact of social interactions on the risky behaviour of adolescents, such as smoking and drug and alcohol use. His work in Financial Economics has focused on the provision of microeconomic foundations to policy debates on financial crises and stability, and on studying the role and the design of institutions assuring better functioning and stability of economic systems under risk and uncertainty.
Onur teaches Managerial Economics and Investments on the MBA programs.
Most Notable Research
Are bank capital ratios too high or too low? Incomplete markets, and optimal capital structure, Gale, D & Özgür, O, 2005, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 3, no. 2–3, pp. 690–700.
Rational expectations equilibria of economies with local interactions, Bisin, A, Horst, U & Özgür, O, 2006, Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 127, no. 1, pp. 74–116.
Local interactions, Özgür, O, 2011, in Benhabib, J, Jackson, MO & Bisin, A (eds), Handbook of social economics,vol. 1A, North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 587–644.
Dynamic linear economies with social interactions, Özgür, O, Bisin, A, & Bramoullé, Y., 2020, 3rd round at the the Review of Economic Studies.
Risk, uncertainty, and the entrepreneurial economy, Amarante, M, Özgür, O & Phelps, ES, 2011, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Applied Financial Economics, Prachalias, C (ed), vol. 2, pp. 550–554.
Final-Offer Arbitration with Uncertainty Averse Parties, Çelen, B. & Ozgur, O., 2018, Games and Economic Behaviour, 109, pp. 484-500
Linguistic Diversity in the Very Long Run, John, A. & Ozgur, O., 2020, forthcoming in the Economic Journal.
Most Notable Awards
Outstanding Teaching Award, CAS, New York University, 2003.
Fellow of the Educational Development Program, GSAS, NYU, 2003.
16th place in the Turkish Centralized University Entrance Exam (among about one million candidates), 1992.