Jill Klein
Professor of Marketing
Jill Klein joined Melbourne Business School in 2009 as a Professor of Marketing and is also a Professorial Fellow at the Melbourne Medical School.
After completing her PhD in Social Psychology at the University of Michigan, Jill joined the faculty at Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. In 1997, she joined INSEAD. Jill has also held visiting positions at Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, and Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration.
Jill’s research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Management Science, Journal of Consumer Psychology, British Medical Journal, and more, with a focus on decision making biases and how they affect decisions in both business and medical settings.
Jill teaches Managerial Judgement, Decision Making and Resilient Leadership on the MBA, Executive and Senior Executive MBA programs, Advanced Managers Program, Specialist Certificate in Clinical Leadership, and a variety of executive education programs.
Jill has also appeared in the Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, Guardian and other international media outlets.
Most Notable Research
Klein, Jill, Clare Delany, Michael D. Fischer David Smallwood and Stephen Trumble (2017) “A Growth Mindset Approach to Preparing Trainees for Error and Adversity" British Medical Journal - Quality and Safety, 26, bmjqs-2016-006416.
Klein, Jill G., Tina M. Lowrey, Cele C. Otnes (2015) “Identity-Based Motivations and Anticipated Reckoning: Contributions to Gift-Giving Theory from an Identity-Stripping Context,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25, 431–448.2.
Smith, N. Craig, Allan J. Kimmel, and Jill G. Klein (2009) “The Ethics of Deception in Consumer Research,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19, 486-496.
Klein, Jill G. (2005) “Five pitfalls in decisions about diagnosis and prescribing,” British Medical Journal, 330, 781-783.
Klein, Jill G., N. Craig Smith, and Andrew John (2004), “Why We Boycott: Consumer Motivations for Boycott Participation,” Journal of Marketing, 68, 102-109.
Klein, Jill G., Ettenson, R. E., and Morris, M. D. (1998), “The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the People’s Republic of China,” Journal of Marketing, 62, 89-100.
Most Notable Awards
Melbourne Business School Leadership Impact Award, 2018
Deans’ Certificate for Research Excellence, 2015
The Franco Nicosia Award for Best Competitive Paper at ACR 2002